From Principal's Desk

It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you and welcome you to F.A.A. Govt P. G. College, Mahmoodabad Sitapur which is located at in the rural settings. The college has played a key role in the development of the nation and region. The students from the surrounding region have received education here and have applied their knowledge to ...

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About Us

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad Govt. P. G. College, Mahmoodabad, Sitapur is one of the premier institutes of state government of Uttar Pradesh which was imparting the service of teaching, learning and research of higher education to the last person of society in rural and under developed areas consistently since 1976. The college was named after Shri Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad, the 5th president of India. The college was also aimed for providing high quality education at minimal cost through optimal utilization of available resources in rural areas. The co-education system of college provides the equal opportunity to both the boys and girls at single forum. The college not only providing the subjective education but also fulfills the aim of society for their training to inculcate moral values among the students and live up the expectations of good citizenship. The college has two different campuses, M...

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Fakhruddin Ali Ahmad Govt. Post Graduate College,Mahmoodabad, Sitapur


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साक्षर भारत अभियान का आयोजन

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अमृत महोत्सव के अंतर्गत आनापान कार्यकृम का आयोजन

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Pot painting compitition

फ॰अ॰अ॰राजकीय स्ना॰महा॰महमूदाबाद, सीतापुर में द

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